I'm a bit embarrassed to realize that I haven't written a post since February, originally my plan was to write a new post everyday but apparently I didn't count on life getting in the way. However, schools almost done and I plan to fill my summer with loads of projects.
I just bought a table and chairs on craigslist for my friend Emily and I's new apartment and I have big plans to make it stunning. After being a bit discouraged to find that I probably paid too much for it I decided to put that aside and look ahead to what I want it to be. Here are the before pictures. I am hoping by posting these I will be determined to get this project done in a timely manner so I can show you the results.
I love the style of the bottom of this table and it was also one of my reasons for purchasing. I'm not sure what to do with it however, I really like this dark wood look but I need to fix some of these scraps. I am considering painting it black but I just love the look of wood so I may just leave it. My indecisiveness is taking over as you can tell. I have decided for the time being that I will just sand down the scraped parts and assess the situation later. To decide another day.
As you can see the table top is in crappy condition and I plan to replace it. What I really wanted from this table was the workings of it. I wanted to have a small table that could be made larger. There are leaves that slide out on the sides and pop up to align with the top piece, I just love all of the mechanics of it.
Last weekend I spent a surprising amount of time taking the old seat covers off, finding that underneath the pleather was the original fabric and wood fibers used as a cushion. It was pretty dusty and one of the seats was rotted so I need to make a new one.
Now I need to decide what kind of fabric to use for the seats. I think I'm going to leave that for last, since its my favorite part. Any suggestions?